
Important Updates

Official New Updates are here,

For those of you still with us in these dark before the dawn kinda times, I'd like to inform you that the first written volume of the Fallenwater Asylum storyline is COMPLETE! Yes, you read correctly; Volume 1 is finish being written. Over 60 pages of action packed insanity!

Monty and myself are both thoroughly excited for the soon grand presentation of the finished graphic novel. Stick around for thumb nail updates, concept art, beat boards and all!

Thank you for supporting the Bionic Legion!



Ask us how you can be apart of the Bionic Legion street team!


Brain Chiren

We haven't posted much I know but we're in between places at the moment.

I had an odd moment the other day. Usually there isn't much conflict between my characters as they go about their normal lives in my head if you will. And yes I do tend to refer to them as real people because once you spend so much time figuring out how they are they do take on a life of their own. Some times it's even scary to us the creators.

For example yesterday me and Hydro were going of on a story tangent and I was torn between using either Grey or Dimitri. Two characters who under normal circumstances would never meet their story lines never cross nor do they exist in the same time period. My first instinct was to go with Dimtri cause well he's the new kid and needs some attention. However as I was writing about him Grey was getting jealous. Like the moody older brother (by the way he totally hates that I just called him that). Long story short, shotgun beats scalpel every time >_>

Anywho, there is a good chance that we're both insane cause Hydro's brain chiren do that same shit to her too. Maybe this should be called the Bionic Legion of Insanity o.0

I'll get some sketches and such up soon once I find my copy of photoshop or find a new one. Either way



New Character Sheets

Okay so we have two new character sheets up! Ironically they go to the different story lines we're working on. Either way I hope you enjoy them, more to come shortly so keep your eyes peeled.


Welcome to the Machine, my Chiren.

So now everything is starting to get up and running, and I must say it's a rather good feeling.

Stay tuned in for more updates and soon enough our first comics.

Keep those gears turning, and we'll keep it all running.